Sustainable Resources
NAZA Energies Sdn Bhd
To maintain integrity of the environment, and reflect its standing as a world-class sanitary landfill, BTEP employs a comprehensive landfill gas (LFG) management strategy to treat the LFG and to generate renewable energy from LFG. Generating renewable energy from LFG promotes sustainability of natural resource by reducing the use of fossil fuel in electricity production.
BTEP has one of the largest waste-to-energy project in the nation with a combined 12.4 megawatt gas engines to generate electricity from LFG, and supplying the green energy to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) under the Feed-In Tariff scheme. In addition, BTEP also deploys two gas flares to eliminate excess methane gas.

Bukit Tagar Renewable Energy Centre

12.4MW Gas Engine

Gas Engine 1.2MW & 2 Units of 2500Nm3/hr Flares
The landfill gas management system at BTEP is a self-initiated effort. The standards implemented far exceed the requirements imposed by the Department of Environment.
BTEP has the distinction of operating the largest grid-connected biogas renewable energy facility under the Feed-in Tariff programme in Malaysia, as well as having one of the most Certified Emission Reduction units (carbon credits) issued for a landfill project in South East Asia under the CDM scheme.
In furtherance of its green agenda, BTEP developed a pilot solar power project at the Advance Phase. The Advance Phase consists of landfill cells that have reached capacity and are fully closed. The establishment of the pilot solar project at the closed Advance Phase allows full optimisation of resources at the landfill.
The 125 kilowatt solar project is presently experimenting with different solar panel technologies, including flexible solar membrane, to determine the most effective technology to adopt in future expansion. Energy produced from the solar project will be supplied to TNB under the Fit-In tariff scheme.

125 kilowatt pilot solar project
Naza Energies Sdn. Bhd (a wholly owned subsidiary of BEP) was incorporated to undertake the renewable energy from LFG and solar projects.