About Us
BTEP is developed by Berjaya EnviroParks Sdn. Bhd. (BEP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Naza Corporation Holdings Sdn Bhd. BTEP is premised on a long-term concession from the Government of Malaysia, supervised by the Ministry of Housing, & Local Goverment.

Waste Treatment Technologies
The need to sustain our natural resources and integrity of the environment are compelling factors for BEP to take a holistic approach to solid waste management by striving to be a total solution provider.
Apart from the sanitary landfill, BEP is working with its technology partners to provide a range of solid waste treatment and disposal solutions, including waste-to-energy plant, material recovery and recycling plants and landfill gas management systems.

Fulfilling an Aspiration
The advent of BTEP is an endorsement of the Government of Malaysia’s commitment to pursue the latest practice in solid waste management, with optimum protection to the environment.
In line with the government’s aspiration, BEP developed BTEP to achieve world-class standards in operation and maintenance. This is in tandem with BEP’s objective to showcase BTEP as the premier sanitary landfill in the region, and to market its expertise in sanitary landfill construction and operations locally and abroad.